Bcom With Computer Application in Kottayam

  • District : Kottayam
  • Subcategories : BCom With Computer Application
PSC Approved Degree in Six months Central Jn, Kottayam
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Today ( 09:00 AM To 05:00 PM ) Closed
Courses: BA, BCom, BSc, BBA, BCA, BTech Credit Transfer ITI, Poly Technic, Diploma & Certificate Skill Courses MA, MCom, MSc, MBA, MCA, BE, ME, MTech. A "single sitting" degree is a program in India that allows students to condense a three year bachelor's Post Graduate degree program into one year 6 months ... of study. At the end of the course of study, the student completes exit exams in a single sitting hence the term single sitting degree. While at one time single sitting degrees were a recognised educational offering in India, the single sitting degree has since been discontinued. Unfortunately, students looking for a quick and easy way to earn a bachelor's degree. In India, a three year bachelor's degree PG has become the recognised standard. In order to complete a three year bachelor+ More

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