Travel And Tourism in Trivandrum

  • Tag : Travel And Tourism
  • District : Trivandrum
EIZY TRAVEL Attakulangara, Trivandrum
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Today ( 09:30 AM To 06:00 PM ) Closed
Eizy Travel: - A Guruvayoor (Kerala) based Company with branches in Calicut, Cochin and Trivandrum. Our Services : - Visit / Tourist /221210101. - Air-tickets (Domestic / International) - Tour Packages (Domestic / International) - Attestations - Passport Services DUBAI , QATAR , KUWAIT ,OMAN SINGA... PORE,& MALAYSIA and much more . We also arrange individual and family accommodation in Dubai and Qatar with complete assistance in all travel matters+ More

Christ College Vizhinjam, Trivandrum
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Christ College, Vizhinjam, is a self-financing Arts & Science College affiliated to the University of Kerala and is managed by CMI Fathers under their educational unit Christ Nagar Educational Charitable Society (Reg. No. T. 295/97). Christ College is situated at Vizhinjam, 12 kms away from Trivandrum City. Vizhinjam is just 3 kms fro... m Kovalam. The area in and around Vizhinjam is known for its Ayurvedic treatment centres and internationally acclaimed beach resorts. Christ College admits students who are eligible according to the norms and conditions of the university of Kerala to various courses based on merit system and the single window admission system followed by the University. Students who wish to join Christ College for their undergraduate studies need to register their names in the University website. Even though + More

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