Peceson Agencies

Peceson Agencies, Talap, Kannur - 670002

About Peceson Agencies

Peceson Agencies in Talap, Kannur is known to satisfactorily cater to the demands of its customer base. The business came into existence in 2009 and has, since then, been a known name in its field. It stands located at Near AKG Hospital, John Mill, Talap, Talap-670002. Near AKG Hospital is a prominent landmark in the area and this establishment is in close proximity to the same.The business strives to make for a positive experience through its offerings. The accepted modes of payment such as Cash, Cheques make every business transaction easy and seamless, contributing to making the entire process even more effective.

Customer centricity is at the core of Peceson Agencies in Talap, Kannur and it is this belief that has led the business to build long-term relationships. Ensuring a positive customer experience, making available goods and/or services that are of top-notch quality is given prime importance.

India’s leading B2B market place, Jd Mart ensures engaging in business activities is a seamless process for small and medium enterprises as well as large businesses. In a wake to enable these businesses to reach their audience, this portal lets them showcase their offerings in terms of the products and/or services through a digital catalogue. This business has a wide range of product offerings and the product/catalogue list includes Pvc Water Pipe, Braided Pipe etc.

Posted By : Peceson Agencies

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