Planning And Construction in Chentrappinni

  • Locality : Chentrappinni
  • Subcategories : Planning and Construction
Geo Survey 360 Chentrappinni, Thrissur
Geo Survey 360º a surveying company established by a professional in the field with experience spanning to more than 40 years ranging in varying geographical scapes. His field experience spans from complex terrains of Himalayas of Jammu & Kashmir, Nepal & Bhutan to Coastal strip of Kanyakumari, from the deserts of Rajasthan & ... Gujarat to the hills of North East India. The experience also includes but not limited to Beach Erosion Surveys (for Sea Walls and Sea Beaches), Survey for Hydro Electric Projects, Pipe Line Projects and Irrigation Projects. The long term attachment with various kinds of Surveys has helped him in creating a team of experts under Geo Survey 360º to carry forward this experience to the next generation for expert Surveyors. The strength acquired from the experience has been the foundation stone for+ More

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