Advertising Agencies in Calicut Rd

  • Locality : Calicut Rd
  • Subcategories : Advertising Agencies
SMS SOUK Calicut Rd, Malappuram
Today ( 09:30 AM To 05:30 PM ) Closed
Please find the features and facilities offered to our valid customers. 1) MASKING: The sender name is called a mask. Mask can be personalized to your requirements. Ensures that message will be read :(eg:CSBLTD ) 2) Grouping:You can group your messaging to staff, regular customers, loaners defaulters etc. and you can do many groups. ... You can send a particular message to a particular group. 3) Scheduling: You can schedule messages date wise. For renewals/ meetings, instalments, Festivals, Birthdays and wedding anniversaries ,meetings events .................................................etc 4) One message will carry 2500 characters at a time . So you can send Invitations , event information,...Etc 5) PULL SMS:+ More

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We appreciate you for contacting us about Advertising Agencies in Calicut Rd
