Civil Service Academy in Cheleri

  • Locality : Cheleri
  • Subcategories : Civil Service Academy
Samkalp IAS Kerala Cheleri, Kannur
Today ( 09:00 AM To 06:00 PM ) Closed
To Identify And Guide Students Who Can Contribute Towards Nation Building Through Civil Services And Help Them Inculcate Indian Values And Ethos. To Imbibe In Them The Values Of Honesty, Integrity, Compassion, Social, Commitment, Excellence, Foresightedness, Determination, Devotion To Duty, Loyalty And Dedication To The National Welfare. ... To Help Develop The Leadership Qualities And Management Skills Besides Innovative Thinking, Samkalp Is Making Efforts To Infuse These Qualities Through Well Thought Of And Meticulously Planned Activities At Different Levels Of Their Studies In A Progressive Manner.+ More

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