Trademark/patent Consultants in Kaloor

  • Locality : Kaloor
  • Subcategories : Trademark/Patent Consultants
vxjc,trademark consultant kochi Kaloor, Ernakulam
We are trademark[tradename,company/businessname,domain name,emblem,logo,artworks,domain names,invented words, etc],patent{new products,technology,process,inventions etc..etc},servicemark,design&patterns[applicable to articles],copyright(books, computer software,moviestc..etc.),geographical indications&other intellectual property r... ights consultants;do contact us for the consultancy&advice for the registrations&allied matters. If your trademark/servicemark possess unique artistic designs,colour combinations,letter style,or any other novel feature,you can avail copyright registration for it, 4/1656 B(2), thefinanceprofessional@gmail+ More

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