Universities in Kalamassery

  • Locality : Kalamassery
  • Subcategories : Universities
Cochin University of Science and Technology Kalamassery, Ernakulam
Today ( 10:00 AM To 05:00 PM ) Open Now
Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) was initially constituted as the University of Cochin through an Act of Kerala Government on 10th July 1971. The University of Cochin was re‐constituted as Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) in February 1986, redefining its objectives as "promoting Graduate and Post... ‐Graduate studies and Advanced Research in Applied Sciences, Technology, Industry, Commerce, Management and Social Sciences." CUSAT is now a world-ranking university with the specific purpose of developing higher education, emphasizing post-graduate studies and research in applied science, technology, industry, humanities, and commerce. CUSAT has consecutively been figured in the Times Higher Education World Ranking since 2017. The Times ranks around 1500 best universities worldwide annuall+ More

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