Planet Green Plantation Resorts

Planet Green Plantation Resorts, Manjilamkoli,chuzhali,Kalpetta, Kalpetta, Wayanad - 673121
Aparna Anand

About Planet Green Plantation Resorts

Planet Green Plantation Resorts in Wayanad can confidently claim to be the most beautiful of all Wayanad Resorts. It is nestled in the lap of Majestic Chembra Peak, wayanad towering 2100 above sea level and is the highest peak in Wayanad. On the foot hills of Chembra on a cliff which gently slopes to a serpentine mountain stream, surrounded by lush tea estates and coffee and pepper gardens of wayanad, Planet Green Plantation resorts of Wayanad nestles like a charm which will take you away from all the stresses and worries of a city life. And true to its name, this could be the greenest place you would have ever seen. A place where you could be with yourself or with your loved ones.

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