PALKULANGARA, Near Govt. UPS Palkulangara, West Fort, Trivandrum - 695008
Prakash PD

Working Hours

10.00 AM - 7.30 PM.


Ashtavaidyan Vaidyamadham Valiya Narayanan Namboodiri –1 (1882 - 1959), was a well known physician of the family, who is remembered by many, for his astonishing diagnostic skills and simple and effective treatments. He was also an expert in detecting Maranalakshana (the signs of death). He was a confident and daring physician of his time, for he brought many complicated treatments back into practice. One such treatment was Kutipraveshikam - a treatment to arrest the ageing process. It is interesting to note that while extensive researches are still going on in various medical disciplines all over the world to arrest the ageing process, here India there already existed a system of medicine which had a successful approach to it and physicians who practiced it. Nowadays people do not show much interest in this treatment because of its duration. Siravedha (cutting of vein to let out impure blood) was another rare process of treatment he brought into practice.

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