Eduwing Education
Pravachambalam, Trivandrum
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EDUWING was founded in the year 2011 with the primary objective of offering accessible and quality e
Pravachambalam, Trivandrum
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G-TEC COMPUTER EDUCATION is one of the leading IT education network providing training and meaningfu
Kalyan school and Day care
Pravachambalam, Trivandrum
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kalyan school provides classes for 1 to 10 standards and follow the syllabus a per CBSE normswith m
Trinity College of Engineering
Pravachambalam, Trivandrum
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At Trinity we provide an eco system that facilitates the learning of engineering from real engineers
Kalyan Preparatory School and Day Care
Pravachambalam, Trivandrum
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* Carriculam based on a Combination of Preprimary & Montissorie Method. (Pre- KG, LKG, UKG) *