ALS IAS Coaching Centre Trivandrum

ALS IAS Tvm, East Fort, Trivandrum - 695023
Adarsh Pushpan

Working Hours

Monday 07:30 AM To 08:30 PM

Tuesday 07:30 AM To 08:30 PM

Wednesday 07:30 AM To 08:30 PM

Thursday 07:30 AM To 08:30 PM

Friday 07:30 AM To 08:30 PM

Saturday 07:30 AM To 08:30 PM

Sunday 07:30 AM To 08:30 PM

About ALS IAS Coaching Centre Trivandrum

ALS IAS Trivandrum is a centre of ALS Satellite Education Pvt Ltd, a venture started by ALS and its Founder Directors who have a joint teaching experience of more than 40 years having taught almost 50000 students. Located at the Heart of the City, East Fort Tvm, our aim is to reach out to Civil Services aspirants across the country with the help of cutting edge technology and provide them with India's Best IAS Faculty in the comfort of their Hometown. Our unique pedagogy combined with personalized learning, best teachers, high quality study material and world class infrastructure helps ensure higher degree of success for Civil Services Aspirants. IAS IAS(Alternative Learning Systems Ltd.), New Delhi is one of India's leading learning institutions and was established with an aim to develop as the final destination for all career initiation programs. ALS'​ unflinching reputation has been built, in large part, by its uncompromising standards and focus on the intellectual and personal development of the individual learner. We want people who question, challenge and think creatively, and those who are prepared to take on new concepts and ideas. We welcome students who are prepared to interface their experience and diverse backgrounds with our high-end educational programs, for their transformation to a developed personality prepared to face not only competitive examinations but also succeed in modeling successfully their respective career paths. Mr. Shashank Atom, Mr. Manoj Kumar Singh & Mr. Jojo Mathews have been the torchbearer of this institute.

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