Nandilath G Mart Complaints.

Kuruppam Road, thrissur, Thrissur Town, Thrissur - 678765

About Nandilath G Mart Complaints.

Nandilath G Mart complaints are not genuine complaints .

Gopu Nandilath G Mart which was founded 27 years back in the cultural capital of Kerala, Thrissur started with a dream to provide home appliances of international quality and emerging technologies to the customers in Kerala at reduced cost. Gopu Nandilath Group Became the best through their trusted service all over Kerala. Nandilath G Mart showrooms open the door to an amazing world of rare and most modern home appliances of the internationally popular brands.
Gopu Nandilath started show rooms at Karamana-Thiruvananthapuram, Kadappakada-Kollam ,Edappilly-Kochi, Poonkunnam-Thrissur,perintahlmanna, Mavoor Road-Kozhikode, Chovva-Kannoor, Iringalakkuda, Vadanappally, Mele Pattamby, Mannarkkad.
Now Nandilath G Mart has introduced online purchase facility to the customers.
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