4Life Research USA LLC

Wellness Creations-Kerala, Tirur, Tirur, Malappuram - 676107
Yahiya E

About 4Life Research USA LLC

Welcome to 4Life Research ™
Join us in changing lives through 4Life Transfer Factor ™
4Life is building people through Science
4Life™ is COMMITTED to pioneering the ongoing research and development of immune system support products with innovative breakthroughs in Transferceutical™ Science.
4Life Transferceutical™ Products are unique, patented and cutting-edge—improve immune system function by up to 437%.
Our Start
4Life™ got its start in the early 1990s when David Lisonbee, CEO and Founder, unearthed an obscure reference to a patent for something called Transfer Factors. Transfer Factors aren’t vitamins, minerals, herbs, or fruit. They’re messenger molecules that teach immune cells what they ought to be doing.
Transfer Factors
Transfer Factor molecules are completely unique. They contain information that can be transferred from one immune system to another.

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