Ayurveda Services Foundation

Kurupath , malappuram Kerala, Kuruppath, Kondotty, Malappuram - 673638

Working Hours

24 hours

About Ayurveda Services Foundation

A NGO working for the propagation and development of ayurvedic science and for serving society by providing better ayurvedic service for the well being and mankind.

Providers range from Qualified Ayurvedic Vaidyas, massage, yoga and panchakarma therapists to physicians who promote ayurvedic medicine in their practices, and Vendors servicing the medical community. Ayurvedic drug manufacturers,dealers of Ayurvedic drugs and medicinal herbs cultivators, research centre, spa, resorts etc.
ASF and non profitable NGO working based at Malabar region for promoting Ayurvedic treatment modality and traditional knowledge of wisdom to spread worldwide. We are aiming on new venture to unveil unexplored areas of treatments and other specialties in Kerala practiced by eminent physicians for centuries. Helping the professionals to attain and achieve international standard by providing modern scientific aspects to develop Traditional knowledge.

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