Vedic Habitat

Vadic Vasthu,CS Building,Sreenivasa Iyar Road,Thirunakkara ,Kottayam, Thirunakkara, Kottayam - 686001
P. Rajesh Kumar

Working Hours

Monday 09:30 AM To 06:00 PM

Tuesday 09:30 AM To 06:00 PM

Wednesday 09:30 AM To 06:00 PM

Thursday 09:30 AM To 06:00 PM

Friday 09:30 AM To 06:00 PM

Saturday 09:30 AM To 06:00 PM

Sunday Holiday

About Vedic Habitat

Cost Effective & Eco Friendly Construction Technologies

Housing, next to food and clothing is the most important need of a human being. The house reflects his/her socio-economic status in societies. For most families, housing is perhaps an outcome of a long drown process of svings and aspirations.
It is not the product of uni-sectroal efforts. Housing production includes a multitude of tasks like land acquisition, development, laying infrastructure, site planning and architectural design on pre-conceived concepts of affordable densities.
It is within this context that a need was felt to look at ways of optimizing shelter cost. The usual practice involved in this area till the recent past has been to:
1 Reduce darea of the house to the minimum possible level
2 Reduce the finishing specification of flooring external and internal walls, fittings etc.
In last two three decades, cost effective technologies have crossed the border of laboratory and research organization and havereached real construction sites. Many experimental and demonstrative projects had been constructed across the country proving the strength and feasibility of these technologies.
Over the year, anumber of cost effective appropriate materials and technologies have been developed, standardized and are being used in the field with sucess. Many of them have even proved themselves in the test of time. BIS has also included many of these technologies under their umbrella and are working, towards covering the temaining so that minimum standardization is achieved and standard specification for the same is evolved

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