Aqure Acupuncture Wellness Center

Naluvayal Near ICM Masjid, Kannur, Kannur - 670001
Aqure Acupuncture Wellness Center

About Aqure Acupuncture Wellness Center

Acupuncture is a technique using by ancient or traditional chinese medicine that uses special needles that are carefully inserted in to certain pressure points on human body that correspond to vital organs in the body such as liver, lungs, hart, kidneys, etc needles are used to activate or stimulate the pressure points in the body through wich certain energy is supposed to run along special channel or paths in the body known as meridian this is the fundamental theory Acupuncture work in TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine) ACUPUNCTURE,THERAPY ELECTRO ACUPRESSURE,THERAPY & MAGNATIC THERAPY ,Treatment for Low back pain, (backpain), arthritics, kidney diseases, diabetic,depression,hair loss,migraine ,insomnia,asthma,skin diseases, paralysis, blood pressure,chronic pains, obesity, infertility,epilepsy, weight loss,impotent s, ear imbalances, height increasing.

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