Aura Acupuncture Clinic

1st Floor, Vimala Building, above Saravana bhavan Restaurant, Ernakulam, 682305, Ernakulam Town, Ernakulam - 682305

About Aura Acupuncture Clinic

Our first patient was a man of 52 years. He walked in to the clinic. Looking tired, and skeptical, he was limping. He had tried all options for his low back pain for the past 9 years. First, he tried modern medicine. The doctors prescribed painkillers. Initially, they gave relief. But after some time the medicines started creating stomach problems. Later he turned to physiotherapy, as per the doctor’s suggestion. This circle continued for more than 3 years. Painkillers followed by Physiotherapy. Physiotherapy followed by painkillers.

Then as any other Keralite do, he turned to other traditional treatments. He took Massages, Herbal Poultices, Medicated enemas and all other modalities. Of course along with strict dietary regimen. But the results were short living. The pain was coming back with vigor. Then he turned back to modern medicine. Surgery was the only option left. He had run out of resources taking treatments. Then we understood why he was skeptical. He wanted to try something new. The surgery should be avoided at any coast.

Our Doctors started examining him. They looked into his eyes, ears, mouth, fingers, and toes. They also asked about the color of his urine and feces. He was getting irritated. He yelled “Why all this? I don’t have any other issue. Just do something to get me out of this killing pain.”

The Doctors patiently explained him the diagnostic procedures of Acupuncture. He was not convinced. Still, he cooperated. He wanted to get out the pain somehow. The doctors also asked him about the type of pain and sensation in back.

They were trying to analyze the reasons for his pain as per the acupuncture principles. They arrived at the conclusion that he was having stagnation of “Qi” and blood in the lower back. This should have been due to an old trauma. He was carrying his old X-ray reports and MRIs. The reports were correlated with the findings. Then our Doctors formulated a treatment protocol . It consisted acupuncture, moxibustion, hijama, and yoga. Doctors also suggested Naturopathic remedies and certain modifications in his diet.

Our team asked him to come for 10 sessions. On the first day no improvement was noticed after the treatment. He was disappointed. But the next day he reported that he slept well that night. In the morning the pain had reduced slightly. After 5 sessions his condition improved drastically. His limping had vanished. There was no more any heaviness in the back.

Then he was advised to attend Yoga Therapy sessions for back pain. Still his doubts were lingering. He continued the practice of therapeutic yoga for 6 months. Every week follow up Acupuncture sessions were also advised. Now it’s more than one year. The pain has not come back. He is a happy man. Still he continues the practice of Yoga. He also takes occasional Hijama sessions for staying healthy.

Since 2016, Aura acupuncture Clinic has provided its services to the population of Ernakulam.and nearby areas. We provide quality one-call-does-it-all Services on a full range of Acupuncture and Chinese treatment modalities. They include, but not limited to:

Yoga Therapy
Daily Yoga Classes
Stress Management Programs
Home Treatments for the elderly and bed-ridden patients.
We started as a small clinic in the market road near Saritha Theatre in Ernakulam. Now we have three branches at different locations in Ernakulam city. We are also planning to expand to nearby districts. Home Acupuncture treatments are getting popular through our clinic. We promote the concept of “Family Acupuncture Physician”. A team of experienced, dedicated, and qualified Professionals and Doctors lead our Clinic.

Our goal: “To provide quality Acupuncture through qualified hands”.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment, or home visit, please call 04844047574 or 9961921728.

Email: keralaacupuncture@gmail.com

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