Divorce in Mavelikara

  • Locality : Mavelikara
  • Subcategories : Divorce
Advocate Badusha .B MA LLB Mavelikara, Alleppey
Today ( Holiday ) Closed
1. Legal Consultation: Offering free or affordable consultations to local residents regarding criminal and civil matters to provide initial guidance and understanding of their legal rights. 2. Representation in Court: Providing legal representation for individuals facing criminal charges or civil disputes, ensuring fair treatment and pro... tection of their rights throughout legal proceedings. 3. Legal Aid Clinics: Establishing legal aid clinics in local communities to offer guidance, assistance, and representation to those in need, especially those who cannot afford private legal services. 4. Pro Bono Services: Offering pro bono legal services to indigent individuals who are unable to afford legal representation, ensuring access to justice for all members of the community. 5. Education and Awareness Programs: Conducting seminar+ More

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