zeolite water technology

Zeolite Water Technology #27/3059 B, Nandanam, Plot No: 2 South Girinagar, Kadavantra, Kochin-682020, kadavantra, Kadavanthra, Ernakulam - 682020

About zeolite water technology

Welcome to the premier industrial resource water treatment equipment suppliers. Zeolite Water Technology offers a wide range of innovative and advanced solution in water treatment system with modern state-of-art technology.
Zeolite Water Technology, an independent water treatment company specializing in Industrial and residential water treatment systems. We customize to fit your needs. We offers entire water treatment such as water softeners, whole home filtration, iron and organic removal, DM plant,RO plant, Ultra filtrations, Pumps, Chemical Dosing Pumps, Membranes, Vessels, U.V system, name anything all will be available with us.etc.
Our sales and service will be characterized by responsibility and responsiveness. We shall provide such service s on time, every time, without defect, error or omission. Our water treatment plants are known for low power consumption and environment friendly operation. Using modern technology based processes, we use fine grade raw material.

Posted By : manoj kumar

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January 21, 2020

very good service

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